Patch notes

Patch notes for our services

  • Added wikipedia pages data as a beta feature for contributors
  • Smaller bug fixes and optimizations

First version of Dewriter content editor released with following features.

  • Real time input monitoring of text
  • Wordset data with synonyms, possible sybnonyms etc
  • Algorithmic text summaries
  • Calculated keywords
  • Calculated phrases
  • Save and edit projects for registered users
  • Export projects as PDF for contributors users
  • Minor fix for if user inserts faulty domain or ip.

Whois service released. The whois request will accept both domain names and ip numbers.

First version of our paraphrase generator released with the following features.

  • Generate up to 5 paraphrases for each sentence
  • Generate up to 10 paraphrases for each sentence for contributors 
  • Different number of sentences as a source depending on subscription plan
  • Generates paraphrases in both english and swedish

A very simple feature for showing the visitors public ip number was released.

First version of our image compressor released with the following features.

  • Compress images with 3 different compression levels
  • Compress 5 images at the same time as a guest and registered user with a free account 
  • Compress up to 20 images at the same time as a contributor
  • Compress images with multiple compression levels at the same time as a contributor
  • Resize images by width
  • Resize images by height
  • Scale images by a percentage
  • Generate a zip file containing compressed and optimized images as well as a text file with compression data
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